Third International Symposia “Catholic Heritage in Georgia”


On 4-5-6 June of 2019, the third International Symposia “Catholic Heritage in Georgia” will be held in Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University that will be dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Restoration of the Apostolic Administration of Latin Catholics in Caucasus. The organizers of the Symposia are Sabauni (Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University) and the Council of Culture and Ecumenism existing with the Catholic Church in Georgia.

The aim of the Symposia is to analyze the importance of catholic heritage and Roman Catholic Church in the formation of Georgian Culture and Awareness.

A visit to one of the Georgia’s region is planned during the symposia.

The conference materials will be published as a proceeding.

The language of the Symposia: Georgian, English and Italian.

Important Dates:

28th April of 2019 – deadline for registration. For registration please fill the form (download from this link)

19th May of 2019 – Deadline for main report

For registration, please send the filled registration form to the following email: [email protected]


Time-limit: 12-15 minutes

The volume of the scientific report – 6-7 pages, A4 format, all areas – 2 cm, Shift: Georgian – Sylfaen, 12; English/Italian – Times New Roman 12; passage – 1 (single), paragraph – 1 cm.

Text Structure:

– First Name, Second Name (on the first line in bold);

– Report Title (bold, size 14);

Scientific report in Georgian, Resume in English (100-150 words)

>>>>> Registration Form