The Law on Higher Education (Article 2-N) of undergraduate study defines as: “A university education is the first level – a combination of training programs, which provide a relevant theoretical foundations of teaching, which is essential for pursuing master’s studies or professions asatv seblad that the general education level higher than the initial preparation “.

The main feature of the undergraduate programs is the degree of combination in our university, that is, the combination of different structural units within the program should enable the student to choose the major and supporting specialties without any problems. E.g. If the student changes his / her choice, the subjects / modules already passed may be considered as an auxiliary program. Of course, in any case, the student should be informed in a timely manner of all available opportunities for planning his / her educational program.

Adjustable education program is focused on preparing students for the relevant regulated profession. At least 75% of the educational program is devoted to developing the competencies required for the regulated profession.

Undergraduate program structure:

Program Capacity – 240 ECTS (60 ECTS per year – 30 ECTS)

Major – 120 + 40 ECTS (where there are 40 so-called university credits, though there may be another ratio, the total major may not exceed 160 credits).


between them:

Undergraduate Thesis – 10 ECTS

English Language – 20 ECTS

Additional specialization (minor) – 60 ECTS

So called Free (optional) subjects – 10 ECTS

Major – A student majoring in a bachelor’s degree. Its maximum volume is 160 credits.

Additional minor – gives the student a better chance at the job market or further education.

Free Courses / Credits – serves to satisfy the student’s interest, enhance his / her general education and does not determine the student’s field qualification. Free credits are reflected in the Diploma Supplement. Freelance subjects may be chosen from the curriculum of both your own and other faculties. The so-called university at the university. The amount of freelance credits is set at a maximum of 20 credits, however, in the case of regulated professions the amount of freelance credits may not be within that limit.

University subjects:


  1. Academic Writing
  2. Introduction to Philosophy
  3. Informatics
  4. English language

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