The Law of Georgia on Doctoral Higher Education defines PhD as the third stage of higher education, a combination of curricula and scientific research aimed at preparing pedagogical staff for science and higher education and ending with the award of a doctoral degree.

The goal of the doctoral program is to:



  1. A) development and expansion of university research activities;
  2. B) preparation of scientific staff with the knowledge and skills based on international practice and democratic values, their integration into the international academic and scientific space;
  3. C) Enhancement, renewal, intellectual growth, fusion of academic and research resources, activation of scientific work, enhancement of the quality of the doctoral program.

The doctoral program includes 180 credits.

The study component consists of 40 credits and the research component – 140 credits.

The minimum number of doctoral study component is 40 credits, including compulsory and optional parts.

The doctoral student reflects on the specific features and interests of the research topic in agreement with the research supervisor and the doctoral program supervisor in the individual doctoral curriculum reflecting the mandatory and optional curriculum components.

Assistant Professor [1] – 15 credits;

Workshop [2] – 10 credits;

Lecture Courses (15 credits).

Research component:

Doctoral dissertation preparation and defense – 140 credits.

The minimum duration of doctoral studies is six semesters (3 years).

[1] Assistantship involves engaging a doctoral student in a professor’s career, developing the skills that will help him or her to succeed in the academic field. It includes participation in activities such as working groups, training workshops or seminar attendance / participation, midterm and final exams issues, test preparation, the students’ papers to correct, educational resources, graduate and undergraduate papers Reviewing sample lecture, Professor Asst Reba survey (data collection, compilation of bibliography …), Professor of joint scientific article / publishing; Preparation of a joint scientific report with the professor; The PhD student’s evaluation of the assistantship is made on the basis of a report on the work done. A prerequisite for granting a professor’s assistantship is a positive evaluation of the work done according to pre-selected criteria.

[2] The seminar is not part of the dissertation. The participants of the doctoral seminar will give presentations on the topical issues of the relevant field, the current state of research of any scientific problem that will be followed by a discussion. PhD program supervisors, thesis supervisors and PhD students are involved in the scientific seminar. The PhD student prepares the scientific report for the various levels of the conference. On the structure of the report, the actuality of the problem, the logical sequence of the constructs, etc. Receives consultations from the supervisor. The scientific report will be presented to those interested in researching these issues. The result will be evaluated by the scientific supervisor and the commission.

A graduate of a Georgian accredited higher education institution or a person of equivalent academic degree is eligible to pursue doctoral studies.

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